
Sell Used Injector CoresLooking to sell used injector cores?

InjectorsDirect.com has been your go-to destination for diesel injectors since 2009, so we like to think we know a thing or two about selling – and also buying back – diesel injectors.

InjectorsDirect.com pays top dollar for your used injector cores, and, if you don’t want to wait for a check in the mail, we’re even willing to pay you for cores prior to shipment via PayPal.

If you have injector cores that are in good shape for the line of diesel injectors we carry, contact us today for a current price list and we’ll let you know just how much your cores are worth for Chevy, GMC, Dodge or Ford diesel trucks.

Whether you’re interested in unloading some used injectors, or picking up a new set, InjectorsDirect.com is your one-stop destination.

For more information, contact us today for a current price list and we’ll do our best to take those cores off your hands and help get you into a new set of injectors that’ll get you back on the road in no time.